Sunday, 20 February 2011

Homage | [untitled]_handwritten_test

I've managed to break up and mask the handwritten font I'm using throughout the title sequence... took me ages, just for 12 seconds of animation:

[untitled]_photography_credits from Dan Silverstone on Vimeo.

When coupled/paired with the title sequence... it's worth the hassle:

[untitled]_test_handwriting from Dan Silverstone on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Homage | [untitled]_second_test

I've begun to splice the present day footage with the past and visa-versa. I'll have to slow it down to match with the suggested audio:

[untitled]_test_2 from Dan Silverstone on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Homage | test_animation

A test animation which uses some of the camera techniques I'll be using throughout the photo album parts. Paying attention to focus, aperture and motion:

[untitled]_test_animation from Dan Silverstone on Vimeo.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Homage | [untitled]_storyboard

I've not long found out that the brief has changed to focus on parents. Luckily, it's not a case of 'back to the drawing board' as I feel my homage encompasses not only my parents, but the parents of my neighbours.

Text taken from my homage synopsis:

"[untitled] is based around a time when life was simple. A time when I was growing up on Phillimore Road with my family and the family next door to ours, whom I am still in constant contact with to this day. [untitled] is short title sequence, which not only acts as an introduction to a short film, but is also an introduction to my life.

The credits found within are not conventional credits, but rather credits which give recognition to the location and the people who played a major part in my upbringing. The title sequence pays particular attention to both my parents and the parents of my neighbours, who also provided my sister and I with the same love and support they gave their own children. Namely, my mother, Francoise Silverstone and my father, Michael Silverstone, who died of a heart attack in 1994, without whom, I wouldn’t have had the experiences I had then, and turned out to be the person I am today.

The shots taken of modern day Phillimore Road have been slightly desaturated to explain that while the location and composition may be the same as that of the photographs taken years ago, the life and experiences surrounding the areas (the vibrant colours) have since long gone. However, the title sequence juxtaposes these current images against past photographs to show that this life and experience is still, and will always be embedded within the location.
[untitled] is a homage to the people in my life who made my upbringing extremely unique and enjoyable, and one thatI will never forget."

The storyboards below are in draft stages as images and frame are still missing. The final animation may have to change to keep up with the brief. I hope it doesn't change again!

Now all I have to do is animate it...

Homage | [untitled]_photo_album

I took the photos with a view to copy the composition from old childhood photos. I met up with my mother to grab a load of old photo albums, but only needed and scanned the ones which centred in and around the house. A few examples below [try not to laugh too much at my enormous slap-head]:

My idea was to splice the past with the present by using current-day footage and old photography. I began to make up my own albums whilst retaining the old battered look of the albums given to me:
The idea is that the current day footage would flick to the past photograph, which would then move through the album to the next old photo, which would then flick back into the current day:

By this point, I'd decided that my animation would be created in the style of a title sequence. An introduction to my life.

Homage | [untitled]_recce

Homage brief: A single exploration on something which means something to me - print & animation brief. I went on a recce around the house I grew up in many MANY years ago. A time where it all began for me and a personal place which houses a lot of sentimental value. Contact sheets below.