Sunday, 5 June 2011

Under The Surface | Show_Animation

It's been a brilliant show and is still going on for one more day in London tomorrow. Everything got finished on time and the whole thing looked amazing.
Finished show animation below if you missed it - one of the hardest animations I've had to do but it was well worth the hassle:

UTS_Show_Animation from Pica on Vimeo.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Under The Surface | Invitation


The FEED HND Graphic Design programme is a hybrid of art and design, new technologies, programming, designing digital artworks for print, screens, galleries, live events and theatre.

The course focuses on research, thinking and doing from the view-point of every discipline. It is a renaissance of art, science, philosophy and future proofing. It is a new version of applied visual communication that embraces traditional image making whilst exploring the cutting edge.

Playfulness is at the very heart of what we do, whilst developing new design strategies, techniques and solutions.

Get involved. It's going to be a brilliant show!

Related links:

Friday, 20 May 2011

Square One | Barnardo's Ad

Mock-advert I created for children's charity Barnardo's. Created using footage from my FMP animation. Music by Sigur Rós - Saeglópur (heavily edited).

Barnardo's Advertisment from Pica on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Square One | Final_animation

Final major animation. Minor tweaks here and there regarding sound but it's done.

Square_One - 11.05.11 from Pica on Vimeo.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Under The Surface | Animation_beginning

The following clip is an introduction to the London show animation. The individual features of the faces will flip as the black triangles flip below. Song is an edited version of LCD Soundsystem's, Big Ideas. Edited in Mixmeister because it's too damn long!

Under The Surface | Animation_intro_test from Pica on Vimeo.

Under The Surface | Animation_process

As a sideline project from my FMP, I, alongside two other students at BMC (Nathan Matthews and Lindsay Wiggin), have been tasked with branding our FMP exhibition down in London - this is on top of preparing my own FMP!

I've been going through different logos which depict the given name of the show and have also tasked myself with animating the 16 students who are taking part in the exhibition.

Nathan has since created more logos which will feature in the animation and printed media.

I started by photographing everyone's face in the studio, which were then edited in Photoshop to extract/lighten etc. The images below are screens of how the animation will eventually look - mixing up the facial features often ends up with some hilarious results:

Intro animation to follow...

Square One | Photo_album

As the main title sequence featured snippets of past>present>past splices, I thought it'd be good to have those splices featured separately. One idea I've had is to carve out a photo album (make it look shoddy and old - like the original ones) and insert digital photo frames with video playback into them, whilst overlaying reprinted old photos to still give it that 'album' feel.

The point being, to allow the viewer to look deeper into a place or situation thus exaggerating the idea that every area has its history, and my history is still embedded into these areas.

Life passes us by so quickly. Blink and you’ll miss it.

Animation to follow... once it renders out and I get it scaled down to a suitable size for eBlogger!